Ajax field replacement ok but

after an initial render, as per a user’s selection, some form text
fields are replaced without any problem but a mail_to link helper !
which goes in the limbo ( I tested without it no problem… string
replacement is OK)
what should I modify ? thanks for your help

—in the form

<%= render :partial => 'emailfield' %>

— in the controller
def contact_selected
render :update do |page|
@contact = Contact.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless params[:id].blank?
page.replace_html ‘addressField’, :partial => ‘addressfield’,
:locals => {:contact => @contact}
page.replace_html ‘phoneField’, :partial => ‘phonefield’, :locals =>
{:contact => @contact}
page.replace_html ‘emailField’, :partial => ‘emailfield’, :locals =>
{:contact => @contact}

___ in the emailfield partial
<%= mail_to(@contact.email1, @contact.email1, :subject => ‘Your
booking’, :encode => ‘javascript’) %>