Andriod tablets

hello, im new to learning ruby, does anyone know if you can use a tablet
run ruby or do you need a computer to run it?

On 2015-Aug-26, at 14:26 , Jason W. [email protected] wrote:

hello, im new to learning ruby, does anyone know if you can use a tablet to run
ruby or do you need a computer to run it?

Check out if you want to run
Ruby on Android.

I don’t know how much it helps or hinders the learning process however.


On 26 August 2015 at 19:26, Jason W. [email protected] wrote:

hello, im new to learning ruby, does anyone know if you can use a tablet to
run ruby or do you need a computer to run it?

Can you define exactly what you mean by “run Ruby”? I ask because
there could be number of possible meanings.
