I’m writing to announce the first release of select_with_include gem.
This gem allows the use of the :select option together with
the :include in the #find ActiveRecord method.
In the current ActiveRecord version if a #find has the :include option
specified the :select will be ignored returning always all the fields
of every single table; select_with_include modifies this behavior
providing a limited support of the :select option.
Depending by the number of the columns in your tables and the depth of
your associations select_with_include can really improve the
performance in terms of speed and memory usage of ActiveRecord
I’m writing to announce the first release of select_with_include gem.
This gem allows the use of the :select option together with
the :include in the #find ActiveRecord method.
In the current ActiveRecord version if a #find has the :include option
specified the :select will be ignored returning always all the fields
of every single table; select_with_include modifies this behavior
providing a limited support of the :select option.
Depending by the number of the columns in your tables and the depth of
your associations select_with_include can really improve the
performance in terms of speed and memory usage of ActiveRecord