[ANN] BDD w/Rails training June 2nd thru 5th

A long time I announced this on the ML, but now that it is close to
occurrence I thought I’d drop another line for anyone who may be
interested in the class, but missed the announcement. In just a couple
week I’ll be doing some BDD training with Rails in sunny Holland, MI:


Want to learn about BDD and how to apply in real development? This
class is for you.
Want to dive into Cucumber? This class is for you.
Want to dive into RSpec? This class is for you.
Want to dive into Webrat? This class is for you.
Want to dive into Cucumber + Webrat + Selenium? This class is for you.

Have problems working with subdomain-based applications w/Cucumber/
Webrat/Selenium? We’ll cover it. If you have specific obstacles
plaguing you or your project, there will be time each day to do Q&A.
The last day we’ll even spend time trying to incorporate the previous
three days learning into your actual projects so you can ask any
questions and apply what you’ve learned in a practical and pragmatic
way .

The class complements The RSpec Book in a practical way. Four days of
outstanding teaching and discussion. If you have any questions about
the class don’t hesitate to contact me privately. Thanks,