Quetzall.com is pleased to announce CloudCache for Ruby on Rails,
implementing the ActiveSupport::Cache interface. The gem is open source
(Apache License version 2.0) and is available at
Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. .
Steps to install and use:
- gem install cloud_cache activesupport right_aws uuidtools
- Sign up for the service at http://quetzall.com - note the Quetzall
Access Key and Quetzall Secret Key - require ‘cloud_cache’ in config/environment.rb
- In app/controllers/application/controller, add:
- ActionController::Base.cache_store = :cloud_cache, “default”,
CC_ACCESS_KEY, CC_SECRET_KEY - restart apache or webbrick or nginx…
The cost of the service is only a nickle per MB-month. Plus, we have a
money-back guarantee - if you provide a CloudCache service defect report
the CloudCachews http://groups.google.com/group/cloudcachews google
which is reproducible, specific, and actionable (bugs, outages, etc.),
will reimburse your service costs for that month. [Disclaimer - service
side only; not including the gem logic or anything else on the public
of the CloudCache API).
Features include:
- Elastic, Secure, Reliable
- Fast! - Latency: 1.5 ms
- Multi-Get
- Stats - Hits/Misses/Usage
- AJAX or XML output
- Increment/decrement
- Configurable time-to-live for automatic deletion
Happy Caching!