Greeting all JRuby & Servlet webelopers,
JRuby-Rack 1.1.14 has been released lately, there were no plans to
another 1.1.x but 1.2 is still ahead of us (with a lot of work) so a
release comes handy bringing JRuby-Rack up-to-date esp. since it’s been
while bugs got fixed.
The 1.1 happens now on
… master (towards 1.2.0) might get quite refactored in terms of repo
Our latest release provides Rack 1.5 / Rails 4.x compatibility for the
servlet session store.
We’d also make sure 1.1 still runs fine on Java 6 and JRuby 1.6.x. Also
worth noting is that we should better detect “less-common” HTTP method
processing such as OPTIONS and not consider default container responses
from those as unhandled. Our (configurable) has
been fixed and improved - when you’re running pooled and run out of
runtimes (waiting longer than acquire timeout) it serves a 503.html or
500.html assuming you have one in your /public root.
More details on release notes are at
Happy serving … make those JavaEE (servlet) containers spin some JRuby
Yours, JR.