[ANN] locale-2.0.1, locale_rails-2.0.1


Ruby-Locale for Ruby on Rails(locale_rails-2.0.1)
is now available.

locale_rails is the library for Ruby on Rails to
manage/detect various format of locale IDs(language tags),
and provide ISO 639-3, ISO-3166 data using Ruby-Locale.

This is useful with Rails i18n backends which doesn’t have
auto-detection and some other features includes this library.

  • locale - Manage Locale IDs, Auto-detect locales.
  • locale_rails - Rails support with locale, Action/Fragment cache,
    I18n.t fallback, localized view template


  • locale-2.0.1

    • Locale::Tag::Common#extensions are shown order by the keys.
      [Reported by Dan Coutu]
    • Enhance to support ruby-1.9.x [by OZAWA Sakuro]
    • Reimplement memoize to be able to freeze or dup the object.
    • Improve Locale.candidates.
  • locale_rails-2.0.1

    • Fixed to work localized view which was canceled.

Thanks to

OZAWA Sakuro, Dan Coutu


Masao M. [email protected]