[ANN] "primes-utils" rubygem

“primes-utils” is a Rubygem which provides a suite of extremely fast
(relative to Ruby’s standard library) utility methods for testing and
generating primes.

Install it the usual way:

$ gem install primes-utils

Then require inside ruby as:

> require 'primes/utils'

The suite consists of the following methods:

Determine if the absolute value of an integer is prime. Return ‘true’
or ‘false’.
This replaces the prime? method in the prime.rb standard library.

Determine if the absolute value of an integer is prime using
Miller-Rabin test. Return ‘true’ or ‘false’.
Miller-Rabin here is super fast, but probabilistic (not deterministic),
primality test.

The method’s reliability can be increased by increasing the default
input parameter of k=20.

3)factors(p=13) or prime_division(p=13)
Determine the prime factorization of the absolute value of an integer.
This replaces the prime division method in the prime.rb standard
Returns an array of arrays of factors and exponents: [[2,4],[3,2],[5,1]]
=> (2^4)(3^2)(5^1) = (16)(9)(5) = 720
Default Strictly Prime (SP) Prime Generator (PG) used here is P13.
Can change SP PG used on input. Acceptable primes range (3 - 19).

Create an array of primes from the absolute value range (|start_num| -
The order of the range doesn’t matter if both given: start.primes end
<=> end.prime start
If only one parameter used, then all the primes upto that number will be

5)primenth(p=11) or nthprime(p=11)
Return the value of the nth (absolute value) prime.
Default Strictly Prime (SP) Prime Generator (PG) used here is P11.
Can change SP PG used on input. Acceptable primes range (3 - 19).

Coding Implementations
The methods primemr, nthprime/primenth, and primes are coded in
pure ruby. The methods prime? and prime_division/factors have two
implementations. Each has a pure ruby implementation, and also a hybrid
implementation which uses the Unix cli command factor if its available
on the host OS. factor [5] is an extremely fast C coded factoring
algorithm, part of the GNU Core Utilities package [4].

Upon loading, the gem tests if the desired factor command exists on
the host OS. If so, it wraps a system call to it and uses it for
prime? and prime_division/factors. If not, it uses a fast pure ruby
implementation for each method based on the Sieve of Zakiya

[1]Improved Primality Testing and Factorization in Ruby Revised | PDF | Prime Number | Ruby (Programming Language)
[2]The Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) | PDF | Prime Number | Central Processing Unit
[3]The Sieve of Zakiya | PDF | Prime Number | Algorithms
[4]GNU Core Utilities - Wikipedia
[5]factor (Unix) - Wikipedia

Jabari Zakiya

Jabari Z. wrote in post #1171449:

“primes-utils” is a Rubygem which provides a suite of extremely fast
(relative to Ruby’s standard library) utility methods for testing and
generating primes.

Install it the usual way:

$ gem install primes-utils

Then require inside ruby as:

> require 'primes/utils'

Version 2.1.0 now available.

Added new methods primesf, primesmr, primescnt, primescntf, primescntmr.
All methods significantly faster, more memory efficient, and can work
with larger numbers.


Friday, June 19, 2015
Now available, primes-utils 2.2.0, the Juneteenth release:
(Juneteenth - Wikipedia).

New in 2.2.0
Refactored methods primes, primescnt, primenth|nthprime.

Changed default PGs on some methods to significantly increase speed.

Implemented mem error handling for primes, primescnt, primenth to
gracefully fail with informative error messages.

Upon failure methods return nil value.

Increased to 1.6 billion, indexed nth primes used in primenth to
create ranges to find nth prime within, extending max possible nth

Removed max nth prime ceiling. Only limitations now are available memory
and time.

Upon loading with Ruby 1.8 require 'rubygems' is invoked to enable
installing gems.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Now available, primes-utils 2.3.0

New in 2.3.0
primescnt can now find count of primes upto some N much faster and for
larger numbers.

Increased to over 2 billionth, indexed nth primes used in primenth,
and now primescnt, to create ranges to find nth prime within,
max possible nth prime.

Under the hood, more code DRYing, cleanups, refactoring, and added
capability to one private method.

Further progress on Primes-Utils Handbook.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Now available, primes-utils 2.5.0

New in 2.5.0
Better adaptive Prime Generator selection algorithm creates speed
increases for large ranges for methods primes, primescnt,

More code DRYing and cleanups.

Finally, now available for reading and FREE download:

PRIMES-UTILS HANDBOOK: The Math and Code behind making the Rubygem

Friday, October 23, 2015

Now available, primes-utils 2.4.0

New in 2.4.0
Fixed edge case algorithm error affecting primes, primescnt, and
primenth|nthprime with better, faster algorithm and code.

More code DRYing and cleanups.

Additional out-of-memory error message added to primes.

Further progress on PRIMES-UTILS HANDBOOK, almost done.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Now available, primes-utils 2.6.0

New in 2.6.0
Much, much better adaptive Prime Generator selection algorithm now used.
Significant speed increases across most start values and range sizes for
methods primes, primescnt, andprimenth|nthprime.

Code, and changes, documented in current HANDBOOK ver 2015/12/14.
Available for reading and FREE download:

PRIMES-UTILS HANDBOOK: The Math and Code behind making the Rubygem

Monday, December 28, 2015

Now available, primes-utils 2.7.0

New in 2.7.0
Better adaptive selection algorithm to select PGs within a range.

Code, and changes, documented in current HANDBOOK ver 2015/12/19.
Available for reading and FREE download:

PRIMES-UTILS HANDBOOK: The Math and Code behind making the Rubygem