ANN: radiant.vim v0.0.2


I’m currently using it to prepare a site to be launched soon. Pages
now can be identified by their title or slug, so both of these
commands are working:

:split radiant/pages/Home\ Page/Articles/First\ Post/body
:split radiant/pages/Home\ Page/articles/first-post/body

The home page having a slug of /, it must be accessed with the title.

When you save content to the database, the page cache is cleared.

radiant.vim is available at

I’m looking forward to getting your feedback, suggestions and possibly
help if you’re a vim specialist (I’d like to implement autocompletion
of the path identifying pages).



Web database:
Free Software Developers Meeting:

On 3/11/07, Raphael B. [email protected] wrote:

The home page having a slug of /, it must be accessed with the title.

Hm. Why not:
radiant/pages/ → gets Home
:split radiant/pages/articles → gets “articles” child under Home