ANN: ruby-processing-2.7.0.pre

The purpose of this release is to test ruby-processing with
jruby- This version downloads and installs
jruby-complete- and can be tested without installing
jruby- (just use the --nojruby flag), you should have at
least mri ruby-2.1 installed.
I would grateful of any help in updating the example sketches.

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 6:03 AM, Martin P. removed_email_address@domain.invalid

The purpose of this release is to test ruby-processing with
jruby- This version downloads and installs
jruby-complete- and can be tested without installing
jruby- (just use the --nojruby flag), you should have at
least mri ruby-2.1 installed.
I would grateful of any help in updating the example sketches.

Test-driving this for the first time –

Just an aside – IMO it’s way surprising (in a POLS violation way) to
put the examples somewhere other than where the user chose to
run the installer…


Hassan S. ------------------------ removed_email_address@domain.invalid

twitter: @hassan
Consulting Availability : Silicon Valley or remote