ANN: Sequel 4.1.0 Released

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

  • Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise
    DSL for constructing SQL queries and table schemas.
  • Sequel includes a comprehensive ORM layer for mapping records to
    Ruby objects and handling associated records.
  • Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared
    statements, bound variables, stored procedures, savepoints,
    two-phase commit, transaction isolation, master/slave
    configurations, and database sharding.
  • Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, Amalgalite, CUBRID,
    DataObjects, DB2, DBI, Firebird, IBM_DB, Informix, JDBC, MySQL,
    Mysql2, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, Swift, and

Sequel 4.1.0 has been released!

= New Features

  • Database#run and #<< now accept SQL::PlaceholderLiteralString
    objects, allowing you to more easily run arbitrary DDL queries with
    placeholders: Sequel.lit(“CREATE TABLE ? (? integer)”, :table, :column)

  • You can now provide options for check constraints by calling the
    constraint/add_constraint methods with a hash as the first argument.
    On PostgreSQL, you can now use the :not_valid option for check
    constraints, so they are enforced for inserts and updates, but
    not for existing rows.

    DB.create_table(:table) do

    constraint({:name=>:constraint_name, :not_valid=>true}) do
    column_name > 10

  • Dataset#stream has been added to the mysql2 adapter, and will have
    the dataset stream results if used with mysql2 0.3.12+. This
    allows you to process large datasets without keeping the entire
    dataset in memory.

    DB[:large_table].stream.each{|r| …}

  • Database#error_info has been added to the postgres adapter. It
    is supported on PostgreSQL 9.3+ if pg-0.16.0+ is used as the
    underlying driver, and it gives you a hash of metadata related
    to the exception:

    DB[:table_name].insert(1) rescue DB.error_info($!)

    => {:schema=>“public”, :table=>“table_name”, :column=>nil,

        :constraint=>"constraint_name", :type=>nil}
  • The :deferrable option is now supported when adding exclusion
    constraints on PostgreSQL, to allow setting up deferred exclusion

  • The :inherits option is now supported in Database#create_table on
    PostgreSQL, for table inheritance:

    DB.create_table(:t1, :inherits=>:t0){}


  • Dataset#replace and #multi_replace are now supported on SQLite,
    just as they have been previously on MySQL.

  • In the jdbc adapter, Java::JavaUtil::HashMap objects are now
    converted to ruby Hash objects. This is to make it easier to
    handle the PostgreSQL hstore type when using the jdbc/postgres

  • The odbc adapter now supports a :drvconnect option that accepts
    an ODBC connection string that is passed to ruby-odbc verbatim.

= Other Improvements

  • The prepared_statements plugin no longer breaks the
    instance_filters and update_primary_key plugins.

  • Dropping indexes for tables in a specific schema is now supported
    on PostgreSQL. Sequel now explicitly specifies the same schema
    as the table when dropping such indexes.

  • Calling Model#add_association methods with a primary key value
    now raises a Sequel::NoMatchingRow if there is no object in the
    associated table with that primary key. Previously, this
    situation was not handled and resulted in a NoMethodError being
    raised later.

  • When an invalid virtual row block function call is detected, an
    error is now properly raised. Previously, the error was not
    raised until the SQL was produced for the query.

= Backwards Compatibility

  • The :driver option to the odbc adapter is deprecated and will be
    removed in a future version. It is thought to be broken, and
    users wanting to use DSN-less connections should use the new
    :drvconnect option.

  • The Postgres::ArrayOp#text_op private method has been removed.
