[ANN] Snippits 0.5.2 Released

Snippits version 0.5.2 has been released!

This is a Ruby text expansion program for Linux - it will type text for
It uses ‘snippits’, small text files with a simple syntax to determine
to type. However, snippits can be very powerful, since they can contain
embedded Ruby, special keys (Control, Shift, Up, etc), and can contain a
cursor placement instructions.


  • eRB
    ‘sudo apt-get install ruby1.8’ on Debian/Ubuntu-like
  • xte from the xautomation suite
    ‘sudo apt-get install xautomation’ on Debian/Ubuntu-like
  • ASpell and RASpell is not required, but adds extra features:
    ‘sudo apt-get install aspell-en’ and
    ‘sudo gem install raspell’

Please consult your distribution documentation on how to install Ruby,
Rubygems, eRB, and ASpell.

To install all required software on a Debian or Ubuntu install, execute:

  • sudo apt-get install ruby ruby1.8-dev rdoc rubygems libruby-extras
  • sudo gem install raspell


0.5.2 / 2008-02-17

  • Bugfixes
    • Updated README on how to use GPG-encrypted files. Please try it and
      report any problems
    • Enabled ERb newline supression
    • Builtin snippit ‘list’ now lists builtin snippits too.
    • Refactored and cleaned up some code in the Snippits library
    • Added a check for xte version, if version is less than 0.98, print
      that non-US key layouts/characters may be wonky.
    • WARNING: Upgrade xte as suggested above! The next version of
      will require the minimum version of xte. This is to cut down on
      number of “why won’t my on-US keyboard work with snippits”-emails I
  • Changes and Features
    • Changed builtin list snippit to print a space-separated list instead
      a tree. Useful for tab completion.
    • Removed builtin snippit files
    • Updated README with section on how to submit patches, and fixed some
    • Updated the code with embedded documentation (RDoc)
    • Added builtin snippit ‘path’ to return path of a given snippit file,
      if it
    • Added builtin snippit ‘contents’ to return the contents of a snippit
      without ERB interprentation, if it exists
    • Created a video demo of snippits in action.
      See it at: http://ben.kudria.net/code/snippits
    • Added a helpful “Getting Started” section to the README
    • Added CREDITS and ROADMAP files. Feedback on Roadmap especially

Benjamin K.