[Announce] Bond - A gem which autocompletes method arguments in rails console

Announcing bond, a gem which enhances autocompletion in the rails
console by autocompleting method arguments. It comes with the ability
to autocomplete attribute/column names for any model’s class methods
(i.e. create and new) and instance methods (i.e. update_attribute(s)).
It can also autocomplete options (hash keys) to class methods such
AR::Base.establish_connection, find, and all. Users can also define
their own argument autocompletions for any method. To see a screencast
of bond in action, see

(starting at 3:15 for rails examples).

To install:
gem install bond

For more:


cldwalker wrote:

Announcing bond, a gem which enhances autocompletion in the rails
console by autocompleting method arguments. It comes with the ability
to autocomplete attribute/column names for any model’s class methods
(i.e. create and new) and instance methods (i.e. update_attribute(s)).
It can also autocomplete options (hash keys) to class methods such
AR::Base.establish_connection, find, and all. Users can also define
their own argument autocompletions for any method. To see a screencast
of bond in action, see
Tagaholic - Screencast Of Argument Autocompletion for Methods in Irb
(starting at 3:15 for rails examples).

That is quite cool. Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile: