I know that this general topic has been covered a lot in on this list,
so I apologize for adding another, but this problem seems to be slightly
different from what others have experienced.
Like everyone else, I’m trying to get engines working with edge rails.
I’ve obtained the trunk brach of the engines, login_engine, and
user_engine plugins (tried various ways with the same result - svn
checkout, svn export, script\plugin
–source=http://svn.rails-engines.org/engines/trunk/ install engines,
svn externals, etc.). I have the lines:
module Engines
CONFIG={:edge => true}
at the very top of environment.rb, before anything else. I have
revision 309 of the engines/login_engine/user_engine plugins. However,
whenever I attempt to do a rake engine_info or engine_migrate, I get the
“undefined method ‘log’ for Engines:module” error message from rake in
dependencies_extensions.rb:28. I’ve been wrestling with this for the
better part of a day now, and I’ve tried everything I could think of,
including clearing out my local plugin directories, using the different
methods of getting them listed above, googling, etc., to no avail. Any
suggestions on what I could be messing up?