Another random idea -- "break" at toplevel

There have been times that I wanted to just skip to the bottom of
the current file.

For one example, consider this idiom (not as popular as it used
to be):

if $0 == __FILE__
   # Possibly many lines

I’d like to write this as:

break if $0 != __FILE__

But of course, that doesn’t work. And of course, exit would be
appropriate if your program itself is in the current file.

Has anyone else ever thought along these lines? I grant that the
usefulness is very limited.

A part of me thought: Well, should “break” just jump to the bottom
of the innermost enclosing context? And a part of me likes this, but
a part feels there are excellent reasons not to do it.

For example: If you’re inside a method but not inside a loop, break
would act the same as return. It might confuse you if you think your
break is inside a loop but isn’t – it would return instead of giving an
error. (But if you can’t tell the inside of a loop from the outside,
code needs to be made prettier.)

Break inside a block, of course, is like a “return” from/for the block.
That, I suppose, is the only time break takes a value – but I don’t
think it would break anything (inside a method) if it always took a

In that case, loops and class definitions could have (meaningful)
return values.

The only time I envision this "break " being truly useless is
breaking from inside a required file – we don’t want to harm the
semantics of require() returning true/false, and I can’t think where
else the value would go.

Unless we made “break” at toplevel of a require return true by default

but that seems even uglier.

On a side note, the “$0 == FILE” expression is ugly to me. What
I really would like if something like:

break if __REQUIRED__

or simply


But this is just me rambling. Comment or ignore as you wish.


Hal F. писал 03.07.2012 00:39:

I’d like to write this as:

break if $0 != __FILE__

But of course, that doesn’t work. And of course, exit would be
appropriate if your program itself is in the current file.

Has anyone else ever thought along these lines? I grant that the
usefulness is very limited.

Well, this is pretty easy to implement and, I admit, somewhat logical.
Could you post your feature request at ?
If it will be ‘approved’ by someone from Ruby Core team I’d just go
and implement that for MRI.

code needs to be made prettier.)

I’m not sure if I like this or not. On one hand, break already has
semantics (block and loop context). On the other one, I never quite
this feature, as it’s somewhat confusing.

Break inside a block, of course, is like a “return” from/for the
That, I suppose, is the only time break takes a value – but I don’t
think it would break anything (inside a method) if it always took a

In that case, loops and class definitions could have (meaningful)
return values.

Break from a loop makes the loop return a value, too.

i = 0; while i < 5; i += 1; end

=> nil

i = 0; while i < 5; i += 1; break 1; end

=> 1

And class definitions very certainly can return a meaningful value.
is a real-world example: getting a singleton class syntactically.

o =; p class << o; self; end

=> #<Class:#Object:0x000000025b47b0>

The only time I envision this “break ” being truly useless is
breaking from inside a required file – we don’t want to harm the
semantics of require() returning true/false, and I can’t think where
else the value would go.

Unless we made “break” at toplevel of a require return true by
default –
but that seems even uglier.

Return value of require' has nothing to do with the contents of the loaded file, and we definitely should keep it that way. (Note that I'm not saying it is anyhow useful. IMHO require’ could just return nil as well, and
those very rare cases when you actually need to know if a feature was
previously you could just check $LOAD_PATH.)

On a side note, the “$0 == FILE” expression is ugly to me. What
I really would like if something like:

break if __REQUIRED__

Note that require' is not the only true way to load files in Ruby. You also have load’, `eval’ and so on, so the name REQUIRED would be
Also, making it a keyword will break those (probably very rare) cases
it’s been used as a variable name. (I’ve been bitten by someone from

or simply


This is, again, confusing and incompatible. Not only this will require
new keywords for doubtful reasons, it’s also not clear what this code
`if $0 == FILE’ will be understood by anyone familiar with Unix
with Unix” implies that you’re familiar with Bash and C); at least
can be easily googled, it’s present in keyword list and it has broader
than just that statement alone. What you’re trying to add is, actually,
completely new control flow construct for just one corner case.

(Also, using $0 as argv[0] and $[1…262144] for regexp unnamed captures
an utterly moronic decision. Only several things are worse, like
global variables. Do you remember what $/ does and which functions are
affected by $= ?)

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Hal F. [email protected]

There have been times that I wanted to just skip to the bottom of
the current file.

It is not entirely clear to me what “bottom” actually means. For
example, what happens to END blocks?

Kind regards


Uhm… Perhaps this will help you:

module Kernel
def require_skip(*args)
catch(:skip) do
require *args

and then, do something like:


require_skip ‘requestd.rb’


throw :skip if $SKIPPABLE_REQUIRE

If you always want use require_skip instead of require, use this one:
module Kernel
alias :old_require :require
def require(*args)
catch(:skip) do
$REQUIRED = true
old_require *args
$REQUIRED = false

If you want do something like this piece of python:
if FILE == ‘main’:

There’s the Ruby equivalent:
if self.to_s == ‘main’