ah ah ? Anyon netty a rails app behind apache?
Yes. What specific info are you looking for.
benchmarks - multi-process configuration / multi-interpreter setup / and
where the community is with respect to jetty/netty/trinidad etc.
On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 8:53 AM, Deon S. [email protected] wrote:
[email protected][email protected]
For more options, visit this group at
make haste slowly
festina lente \
mobile +1_415_632_6001
[email protected]
Multi process is automatic with any java app server and does not require
any configuration.
As to benchmarks for which java app server is faster I do not know
We have several cloud deployed load balanced apps running on Trinidad,
is based on Tomcat. Trinidad is the present jruby runtime server with
the most development effort - it keeps evolving; before that GlassFish
THE app server for jRuby.
Ever so often, depending on the load, we just add or remove a node
to/from the load balanced cluster.