Anyone use rack-timeout?

Whenever I’ve tried using rack-timeout with JRuby I’ve run into
hard-to-diagnose problems.

I’m in the process of compiling my observations and theories, but first
just wanted to ask if anyone out there has been using rack-timeout with
JRuby with good or bad results?


(replies inline)

On Wed, 21 Jan 2015, John Joseph B. wrote:

Whenever I’ve tried using rack-timeout with JRuby I’ve run into
hard-to-diagnose problems.

I’m in the process of compiling my observations and theories, but first I
just wanted to ask if anyone out there has been using rack-timeout with
JRuby with good or bad results?

We’ve been using it at Lookout for a couple years now without any issues
noticed. We do however rarely have misheving apps or downstream services
would cause us to invoke the rack-timeout behavior

On 21-01-2015 15:16, John Joseph B. wrote:

Whenever I’ve tried using rack-timeout with JRuby I’ve run into
hard-to-diagnose problems.

I’m in the process of compiling my observations and theories, but
first I just wanted to ask if anyone out there has been using
rack-timeout with JRuby with good or bad results?


I’ve once experienced an issue where Puma would stop responding to new
requests although the Java tools seemed to indicate the application was
working normally, it wouldn’t simply accept new requests for some
reason. It is a side application to generate XLS mostly through Apache
POI while the main application runs on MRI and I guess exporting to
Excel is not something our users often do so I was curious why every few
months our monitoring service would tell us that application stopped
responding so that we restarted it…

There was no CPU usage for that application and I couldn’t detect any
active network connection to it either. But since I had no clue about it
I decided to give rack-timeout a try. It turned out that the problem
hasn’t gone and I was clueless about why that was happening…

After a lot of investigation I could finally reproduce the problem so
that I could start debugging it. The problem happened when the client
requested for some XLS but disconnected before getting the full output.
That connection was then never returned to the Puma connections pool. I
could then debug the issue and it turned out to be related to
ActionController::Live which we use in our Rails application to serve
the XLS using streaming.

The implementation in Rails (by that time) would spawn a new thread
which returned immediately and the rack-timeout middleware would only
monitor the main request thread and not the spawned one…

Here are some references in the case this might be happening to you:

Streaming requests may be blocked indefinitely if connection is lost · Issue #16878 · rails/rails · GitHub (explains the Rails bug
which seems to be fixed in 4.2.0)
Puma stops responding with Rails live streaming if the connection is closed while the controller is writing to the buffer · Issue #576 · puma/puma · GitHub (explains how to reproduce it on

The Puma issue is still open because it’s tricky as Rack doesn’t provide
a good enough API for streaming so it’s hard to detect such situation
from a rack server implementation perspective…

In case your application serves streamed responses you might be
interested to dig in those issues and see if it might help you solving
your real problem.