Anyone using globalize2_versioning?

Globalize2 looks awesome, but our app also requires versioning. I’m
looking at globalize2_versioning[1] but it looks fairly out of date,
and I can’t seem to get it to load properly. (I’m using both as rails

For example, globalize2_versioning defines its own
create_translation_table! method which, in addition to the normal
translation columns provided by Globalize2, adds columns for
versioning (version and current, specifically). But it appears
that globalize2_versioning’s method doesn’t get called – it’s always
the method from Globalize2, meaning the columns for versioning aren’t
added. Similarly, the models I specify as versioned do not have the
versioned? method added to them.

I’m wondering if this is simply because I’m loading/using
globalize2_versioning wrong, or if the plugin is simply too far
outdated to be used with the current version of Globalize2.

How is everyone else tackling versioning with Globalize2? Any help
would be appreciated.


[1] GitHub - joshmh/globalize2_versioning: Acts_as_versioned style versioning for Globalize2

I would suggest using any of the more active versioning plugins listed
in, and also read this discussion for info on model

Grobalize2 never made any sense to me, code smell in my point of view.


The libraries mentioned in that other thread are far more outdated
that Globalize2 is, and offer no solution for versioning.

The problem with doing translatable models AND versioned models is
that translation and version information can’t be stored in separate
tables. This makes it nearly impossible to use two different
libraries for each: at some level, they need to integrate with one

I’m not sure why you don’t like Globalize2, it works exactly as
advertised for me (and works well, too). My only extra requirement is
that I need versioning, and since I don’t expect Globalize2 to support
this (out of scope), I would like to simply get globalize2_versioning

I would be willing to update globalize2_versioning if I could get an
idea of where that project is at.

I believe it’s a very good thing that we have concurring solutions to
the non-trivial problem of content translations.

On Mar 2, 2010, at 10:16 PM, Kyle F. wrote:

The libraries mentioned in that other thread are far more outdated
that Globalize2 is, and offer no solution for versioning.

I’ve refactored a few things in Globalize2 a while ago to take some
recurring concerns into account. I actually completely missed to take
care of globalize2-versioning at that point though.

I would be willing to update globalize2_versioning if I could get an
idea of where that project is at.

It’s right here and any help is very welcome :slight_smile: I guess Josh is busy
with other things but I can take over his role in the meanwhile
(although I don’t think I actually ever touched the code).

Is there anything you need to get started? You can find me on IRC on #rails-i18n or we can discuss things here or through
private email.

Okay, so the 0.1.1 tag of Globalize2 (joshmh (Josh Harvey) · GitHub
globalize2/tree/v0.1.1) works great with globalize2_versioning.

(Thanks Sven!)