So, I’ve built my first rails application and it’s time to upload it.
I’ve asked the web hosting to provide me with a server port number for
the application and also about the server configuration, which is:
Apache, Fast CGI with support for a subversion repository.
My local environment is set using Hivelogic with mongrel, capistrano,
subversion and… on Mac.
I would like to upload the app with Capistrano. This will also be the
first time I’m starting to use subversion.
Anyhow, just wanted to ask for any tips? anything special I should do?
or be aware of? anything…
BTW, the web hosting plan is a shared Linux server – I’m not sure
they will let me install mongrel on it. If they do, a tutorial would
be great if someone has one.
If not, would some one have any tips or things to avoid/be aware of
with Fast CGI?