It is a pleasure to present the new all-new version of GONG, tool for
integrated management of development cooperation projects of NGOs,
nongovernmental organizations, GONG now is 2.0. The current version 2.0
is targeted at management projects integrating technology and financial
management, have added new features: management tasks and states,
structural cost management, new views, improved import and export, …
etc, and has improved the overall usability of the system.
In the current architecture GONG 2.0 is an application developed in Ruby
on Rails. It has unified architecture GONG to cover the new general
goals that had been raised for the system, leaving a unique platform for
the overall management of all information.
We put at your disposal a test demo to you can take a look and you make
Esteem appropriate evidence, can be accessed from here:
The new version has been developed by IEPALA, CENATIC forging involved
providing infrastructure, management and revitalization of the
If you want to collaborate with the community, please visit:
We look forward to your impressions.
Jorge Martín
Técnico de Proyectos/Projects Technician
Fundación CENATIC
Centro Nacional de Referencia de Aplicación de las TIC basadas en
fuentes abiertas /
National Competency Centre for the application of open source
Avda. Clara Campoamor, s/n
06200 Almendralejo (Badajoz), SPAIN
Tlf +34 924 677 316
Fax +34 924 666 896
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