Are flash[] values kept between redirect actions in integration tests?

I have an integration test that sets a flash[] value in action before
redirect and reads it in the next action (the one that previous action
redirects to):

test(“some integration test”) do
assert_equal(true, flash[:foo]) ## is set to true in this action


assert_equal(true, flash[:foo]) ## has to be true in next action

So flash[:foo] has to be “true” in the second action. Because it is set
in the first one. But my test throws an error:

  1. Failure:
    expected but was .

My question is, are flash values kept in integration test? Does it have
to be “true” here or the above behavior is correct?

Use[:notice] !!


Em quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013, Robert W. escreveu:

Wins L. wrote in post #1111366:

My question is, are flash values kept in integration test? Does it have
to be “true” here or the above behavior is correct?

The Rails guide has a clear explanation of the flash:

Yes, the flash message is available IN the following request, but not
after it. My bet is that your assertion is happening after that next
action has completed.

Take a look at the example in Section 5.2 in this guide:

post_via_redirect "/login", :username => users(:avs).username,
  :password => users(:avs).password
assert_equal '/welcome', path
assert_equal 'Welcome avs!', flash[:notice]

Notice there is no follow_redirect! before checking the flash. Your
flash is getting destroyed before you can assert it.

Otavio Nestares wrote in post #1111439:

Use[:notice] !!

Wouldn’t that just make matters worse? makes the flash
available in the current request. It does not make it persists across
requests. Use when you want render the template directly
without a new request. That’s not the case here.