If I try:
@article.article_groups.delete_if {|x|
x.group_id == x.group_id
It does nothing.
If I try:
articletmp.article_groups.each{ |x|
It deletes some of the groups.
Why dosn’t the to first examples work as expected??
Do I have to put groups I don’t want to be deleted inn as hidden
fields in my form? (I of course dosn’t want every groups to be deleted
as in the example above).
Henrik Ormåsen wrote:
articletmp.article_groups.each{ |x|
It deletes some of the groups.
Why dosn’t the to first examples work as expected??
article_groups is an AssociationCollection, for which
all the usual array methods work. But only some of these
methods like delete and clear have database side-effects.
The rest operate only on the in-memory array object.
So to make delete_if work on the database objects you
either have to write
@article.article_groups.select {|x| x.group_id == x.group_id}
@article.article_groups.each do |x|
@article.article_groups.delete(x) if x.group_id == x.group_id
or put the following in environment.rb
class ActiveRecord::Associations::AssociationCollection
def delete_if(&block)
delete( select(&block) )
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