Hi all,
I’d really appreciate any help / advice on this problem. When I test
def edit
@entity = Entity.find(params[:id],
:include => :key_factors)
@traits = Trait.find :all,
:include => :trait_values,
:joins => :trait_values,
:joins => "LEFT OUTER JOIN key_factors ON
key_factors.trait_value_id = trait_values.id AND
key_factors.entity_id="[email protected]_s,
:order => ‘traits.ordering, traits.name’
@frequencies = Frequency.find :all,
:order => ‘value’
I get the error “ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Unknown
column ‘trait_values.id’ in ‘on clause’: SELECT traits
LEFT OUTER JOIN key_factors ON key_factors.trait_value_id =
trait_values.id AND key_factors.entity_id=953125641”. I would have
thought that since I’m including trait_values then that table would be
in the SQL statement. However, what I see in the development log is:
[4;36 Entity Load (0.0ms) SELECT * FROM entities
= 1)
[4;35 KeyFactor Load (0.0ms) SELECT key_factors
WHERE (key_factors
.entity_id = 1)
[4;36 Trait Load (0.0ms)Mysql::Error: Unknown column
‘trait_values.id’ in ‘on clause’: SELECT traits
.* FROM traits
OUTER JOIN key_factors ON key_factors.trait_value_id = trait_values.id
AND key_factors.entity_id=1 ORDER BY traits.ordering, traits.name
Which suggests that Rails is doing a separate call for each include…
and a bit of research on the API confirms that. However, in an earlier
version of rails this worked fine - the log for running the exact same
code shows (more or less - replaced a long field list with ‘*’ to make
reading easier)
[4;36 Trait Load Including Associations (0.000000) SELECT * FROM
traits LEFT OUTER JOIN trait_values ON trait_values.trait_id =
traits.id LEFT OUTER JOIN key_factors ON key_factors.trait_value_id =
trait_values.id AND key_factors.entity_id=1 ORDER BY traits.ordering,
My models are:
class Trait < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :trait_values, :dependent => :destroy
class TraitValue < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :trait
has_many :key_factors, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :trait_value_images, :foreign_key =>
‘related_id’, :dependent => :destroy
def sorter
[(self.trait.ordering || “0”),(self.trait.name || “0”),
(self.ordering || “0”),(self.name || “”)]
The API suggests that having conditions on a has_many association
might do the trick, but the condition would be to be able to be
dynamically specified ("…key_factors.entity_id="[email protected]_s)
and I don’t see how that’s possible when defining the condition on the
association in the model (not sure whether that’s because it actually
isn’t possible or just because I don’t know Rails well enough).
Please help!
-Chris W.