I’m having an issue with attributes within associations!
Here it is the thing I don’t arrive to understand : I have 3 classes :
Bands, Answers and Questions.
Answers belongs_to Bands and Questions.
Questions has_many Answers
Bands belongs_to Questions and has_many Answers.
When a Band is created, there some Answers to give. The results are
correctly displayed with the exact correspondant id (I mean “band.id”).
What I would like to do is to show the band’s name on Answer’s index. To
do this, I’ve tried different solutions like:
<% @answers.each do |answer| %>
<%= answer.band %>
or also
<%= answer.band_name %>
and also
<%= answer.band.band_name %>
I’ve tried to do a local variable which is
a = answer.band_id
but it then says that there’s no method called band_name , even if the
association is made and functioning. Once that is done, shouldn’t a
class have all the attributes of the other???
By the way, in the console it works everything, and for instance I can
do something like
a = Answer.find(26)
a.band_name = Band.find(25).band_name
=> true
=> “Yo”
but if I do the same on the browser => index.html.erb , it doesn’t work.
So, where am I mistaking? Should I inverse the associations and set
Bands as belonged from Answers?