Attribute filtering in Rails 2.1

I was unable to find the commit related to removing attribute
filtering in Rails 2.1. I’m interested in the reasoning as to why
this was removed. Can anyone provide any insight?

Jonathan W. wrote:

I was unable to find the commit related to removing attribute
filtering in Rails 2.1. I’m interested in the reasoning as to why
this was removed. Can anyone provide any insight?

hey there Jonathan,
what do you mean by :attribute_filtering?

All I can think of is the log_param filtering.

but that still seems to work.

“filter_parameter_logging :password”

On 21 Jun 2008, at 12:07, Jonathan W. wrote:

I was unable to find the commit related to removing attribute
filtering in Rails 2.1. I’m interested in the reasoning as to why
this was removed. Can anyone provide any insight?

Do you mean the ability to do some_ar_object.attributes :except =>
‘blah’ ?
If so, it’s because ActiveSupport adds except/slice to hash so having
it separately in #attributes was just duplication (and has done for a

so instead of the :except option you can do
some_ar_object.attributes.except ‘blah’
