Auto rotating between (will_)paginated objects?

Ok lets see if I can ask this question in a way that makes sense…

I have a website that has a testimonial box on the front page that
show one testimonial at a time. I pull the testimonials using
will_paginate and 1 object for 1 page. There is next | prev links
under this box that uses ajax to pull the next object. This works
great and I’m happy with this solution but now I would like to auto
rotate this testimonial box if the user do not press the next link?

I looked at a few solutions but could not get them to work correctly.

The closest I got was using periodically_call_remote but when I put
this in my partial it looks like it adds a new script every time it
updates ? I had it set to 10 seconds and after 10 seconds it started
changing faster and faster… until it was just flashing…

Any ideas?

The closest I got was using periodically_call_remote but when I put
this in my partial it looks like it adds a new script every time it
updates ? I had it set to 10 seconds and after 10 seconds it started
changing faster and faster… until it was just flashing…

Sure, if the periodically_call_remote is part of your partia, then it’ll
be installed over and over again.
Split your partial and don’t resend the periodically_call_remote with
every ajax response

I knew there was something I left out of the initial post… :slight_smile: Since
the setup uses will_paginate I have to pass the ‘next_page’ page to
the ajax_call or else the call that goes here :

def paginate
@testimonial = Testimonial.paginate(
:page => params[:page],
:conditions => “testimonial_type = ‘customer’ AND frontpage =

respond_to do |format|
  format.js { testimonial_crossfade }


and gives the same testimonial

here is the remote call

<%= periodically_call_remote(:url => {:action =>
‘paginate’}, :frequency => 5)%>

so what I was trying todo was to use the will_paginate helper
next_page like this:

<%= periodically_call_remote(:url => {:action => ‘paginate’, :page =>
@testimonial.next_page}, :frequency => 5)%>

but then I have to update the call every time I make the remote

Thanks!! :with was the missing link for me…

Everything is now working just like I wanted…

good point :wink:

you’ll have to configure the thing then

one of those should do:

:submit: Specifies the DOM element ID that‘s used as the parent of the
form elements. By default this is the current form, but it could just as
well be the ID of a table row or any other DOM element.

:with: A JavaScript expression specifying the parameters for the
XMLHttpRequest. Any expressions should return a valid URL query string.

:with => “‘name=’ + $(‘name’).value”

so you could add a hidden field or whatever that your ajax call updates
with the next_page number.

IF your response is fast enough…

otherwise you could use

:condition: Perform remote request conditionally by this expression.
Use this to describe browser-side conditions when request should not be

to block the call temporarily, until your response unlocks it again…