Autoit::watir outlook web access login pop up


I have a script to login into outlook Web access

When I run this

def logon(title,name = ‘Connect to’,password = ‘john doe’)
@autoit.WinWait title, “”
@autoit.Send “devabrat”
@autoit.Send “{TAB}”
@autoit.Send “wow”
@autoit.Send “{ENTER}”

it looks for windows login box which comes as a pop up box (on Internet
Explorer) having title,
‘Connect to’

it then writes onto first field with text “devabrat” corresponding to

@autoit.Send “devabrat” then the script presses tab and then writes
corresponding to
@autoit.Send “wow”

Th problem:

Somtimes it happens that when you type outlook webaccess IP at address
bar(after a wrong login) the username field is already filled with the
previously attempted username so that the cursor starts from
password field. The cursor should start from username field. If it
starts from the password filed then the script takes it as first filed
and wrongly writes intended username in password field then presses tab
and attempts to write password at a element on which u cannot write.

Hence login process fails.

If you are are familiar with outlook web access then you must be knowing
that when you write outlook web access IP or address on the address bar
and press enter then a box comes for credentials. Now this box is not
not on HTML page so I cannot find the name of element (textfield) and
supply credentials.

Is there any solution to my above problem?

Can we identify the name of TextField elements in the above box and
press OK button???Remember it appears as a separate box so you cannot
view source and know the name of the element.

Also please suggest a way to access elements by name on such a box.

[email protected]