Base.connection.execute with params


I am trying to implement Base.connection.execute using a passed
parameter from the calling view:-

In my controller I have the following code:-

def addnewsoa2
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute “INSERT INTO soas
(program_id,control_id,scope,detail) VALUES (?,1,‘Y’,‘t.b.a.’)”,

This fails with a sql syntax error but I cant see where I am going
wrong. The equivalent code in raw sql is okay. (i.e. “INSERT INTO soas
(program_id,control_id,scope,detail) VALUES (13,1,‘Y’,‘t.b.a.’)”

I think it’s the way I am using the passed parameter but would greatly
appreciate any offered assistance.


Martyn Elmy-Liddiard

On 7 Jan 2008, at 16:33, Martyn Elmy-liddiard wrote:

(program_id,control_id,scope,detail) VALUES (?,

Why are you using execute? Execute is much lower level than you need,
and doesn’t understand parameters etc… It just chucks a string at
the database adapter so you have to construct the entire bit of sql
yourself. Why use this and not Soa.create(params) ?


Frederick C. wrote:

On 7 Jan 2008, at 16:33, Martyn Elmy-liddiard wrote:

(program_id,control_id,scope,detail) VALUES (?,

Why are you using execute? Execute is much lower level than you need,
and doesn’t understand parameters etc… It just chucks a string at
the database adapter so you have to construct the entire bit of sql
yourself. Why use this and not Soa.create(params) ?


Thanks for response. Using execute just because I thought it was what I
needed…I’m still getting to grips with ROR. Will look into Soa.create
as you suggest and see if I can work it out. Thanks for the suggestion.

