Since last week, Our website has been under DDOS
(Distributed Denial Of Service)attack by someone who goes by the name of
Ivan Alekseevich Ivanov from Khabarovsk, Russia and he demanded $3,500
to stop the attack. We ignored him and decided to try Amazon Cloud
Please beware of Russians!! I also searched the Internet for better ways
to prevent DDOS ATTACK. All I got was ‘prevention is better than cure’.
It said that DDOS happens because of vulnerable softwares/applications
running on a machines in a particular network. If there is any good
idea, please tell me here:)
First Name - Ivan Alekseevich
Last Name - Ivanov
country - Russia
City - Khabarovsk
I got another similar threat for another Russian who’s name was Igor
He wanted $100,000,000,000!!!
Just kidding! Out of serious though there are cloud services to help
mitigate against DDoS attacks. I have friends that work for this one: Authoritative DNS - Managed DNS Services - Vercara which starts at $500 a
I’d be happy to get you some information.
but I think there are others that may be less expensive.
Sounds like a dark PR of Amazon Cloud Services. Well, I can image, hating
Russians is profitable…
I don’t think this has anything to do with Amazon.
Would it be possible to tell me your name, residence address and occupation
I can tell you that he uses a proxy server in Texas, but my best guess
is he’s from Hong Kong based on his email domain.
I don’t know his motives but such stories of DDoS attacks originating in
states of the former Soviet Union, and in China for that matter, are not
that uncommon. In fact, the huge recent DDoS attack on was
based in China. So maybe we shouldn’t trust Chinese either. (j/k)
However, there are criminals everywhere.
It said that DDOS happens because of vulnerable softwares/applications
If things are so complex, could you at least ban him?
I don’t understand what you see as being “complex”. It’s pretty
straightforward actually. As it happens though, I banned him and his IP
hours ago, before I even made my reply. It won’t stop him from
re-registering with a new email and IP, or simply joining the mailing
list. Continuing to reply to this thread will, however, give him the
attention that he desires. I suggest that everyone let the thread die.
I hope my comments about origins of DDoS attacks are not hurting
people’s feelings, but the truth is often inconvenient. Russian botnets
are often used in DDoS extortion schemes. This is surely neither the
place nor the time to discuss it, and I’ll be happy to discuss it
privately with you anytime, but Russian based “botnets for hire” are
widely known to exist and are available for this purpose. This is
neither rumor nor innuendo. It’s fact. Here’s one of many references
to such gangs:
As I said, perhaps this is an inconvenient truth, but still it’s a fact.
Also, as I said, there are criminals everywhere, including in my
Since last week, Our website has been under DDOS
running on a machines in a particular network. If there is any good
idea, please tell me here:)
First Name - Ivan Alekseevich
Last Name - Ivanov
country - Russia City - Khabarovsk
Above is what we know about the hacker.
Jim O.
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