On 27 Apr 2011, at 20:55, Sergio R. wrote:
i am setting up a few objects that are interrelated for use in an rspec
something like:
describe Dimension do
before(:each) do
text = “string here”
This defines a local variable ‘text’ which lives for the duration of the
before block. It can’t be seen by the #it block (example) below, because
it’s gone out of scope.
am doing something wrong?
What people don’t realise is that #describe just creates an instance of
a class, called ExampleGroup. Think of the ‘before’ block and the ‘it’
blocks as methods on that class. If you defined a private variable in
one method on a class, you wouldn’t expect to be able to see it from
another one, would you?
Here’s what we used to do in this kind of situation:
describe Dimension do
before(:each) do
@text = "string here"
it "should puts string" do
puts @text
Because, as I expect you know, instance variables can be seen between
methods on a class. However, some people found the instance variables
noisy, or wanted to lazy initialise them, so started doing this:
describe Dimension do
def text
@text ||= "string here"
it "should puts string" do
puts text
As I said, #describe just creates a class, so you can define methods on
that class if you like. Now our puts statement is calling the #text
method that we’ve defined.
This is such a common pattern, that in RSpec 2, David introduced #let
blocks, which let you refactor the above code to look like this:
describe Dimension do
let(:text) { "string here" }
it "should puts string" do
puts text
Make sense?
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