In addition to others answers you’ve received, keep in mind that you can
always disambigue when multiple lines go on a single line through the
use of semicolons:
if 5 == 5; puts 5; end
It happens that in this simple case, that isn’t necessary, since Ruby
lets you disambiguate with “then”:
if 5 == 5 then puts 5 end
Or, as has been pointed out, you can use the end-of-line “if” operator:
and a syntax like if 5 == 5 {puts ‘5’} end didn’t either.
Be aware that { } blocks in Ruby don’t have the same meaning as { }
blocks in C-like languages. They’re not used for grouping statements;
rather, they’re used as code blocks (cf. anonymous subroutines, closures
Also, { } is an empty hash, which can sometimes be confusing.
x = lambda { } # an empty code block
x = { } # an empty hash
10 == 10 and puts ‘10’
I am showing you that this statement is completed in one line.I have solved this query so you can better understant here. you also read my best digital marketing training institute in rohini blogs here important information for you.
Ruby is a kind of language that has many alternatives to do a job. You could write an if condition or an if else or even an if elsif else condition.
I am sorry this answer will be a bit long.
I assume you want to check if 5 == 5 or if true, then do something
1. Statement Modifiers:
puts ?5 if 5 == 5
2. Ternary Operators:
puts 5 == 5 ? ?5 : ''
3. If then end block in a line:
if 5 == 5 then puts ?5 end
4. Using Short Circuit Evaluators:
Short circuit evaluators are and and the && operators. Yes, they are not actually methods on an object.
5 == 5 and puts ?5 # => nil
5 == 5 && puts(?5) # => nil
Here’s more about short-circuit evaluation:
5. Using the & method (Eager Operator)
The & method is available on instances of TrueClass, FalseClass and NilClass. This is not equivalent to && and and and or and ||.
5.==(5).&(puts ?5) # => false
Bonus Stuff. Let’s build one fizzbuzz game in one line.
In fizzbuzz game, you have to iterate over a range of numbers. When a number is divisible by 3, print ‘fizz’; when a number is divisible by 5 print ‘buzz’; when a number is divisible by both 3 and 5 (or 3 * 5) then print ‘fizzbuzz’. print the number if they don’t satisfy the above conditions…
Using if:
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
(1..100).each do |x|
if x.%(15).zero? then puts 'FizzBuzz'
elsif x.%(5).zero? then puts 'Buzz'
elsif x.%(3).zero? then puts 'Fizz'
else puts x
You can use while, and until loops in a line too (without do end block):
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
0.tap { |i| puts i.%(15).zero? ? 'FizzBuzz' : i.%(5).zero? ? 'Buzz' : i.%(3).zero? ? 'Fizz' : i while (i += 1) < 100 }
Or even:
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
puts (1..100).reduce([]) { |a, i| a.push i % 15 == 0 ? 'FizzBuzz' : i % 5 == 0 ? 'Buzz' : i % 3 == 0 ? 'Fizz' : i }
I admit this can be written in 10 different ways again. But let’s stick with this for now!
If you are a beginner, try avoid printing (using puts, printf, p, pp, Kernel#display etc.) something in a loop, it takes a lot of time if you have to iterate over a million times. So append items to values, say, use map instead of times can be very efficient!
Sorry, this answer is a bit long, but hope this helps.
? separates the condition from the expression to execute if true.
puts('5') is the code that runs if the condition is true (5 equals 5).
: separates the true expression from the expression to execute if false.
nil is used here because there’s no specific action to take if the condition is false (5 doesn’t equal 5).
I believe you understand, if you get in touch with me on my Red Apple Learning Kolkata full stack development course