On Feb 2, 9:53 pm, Michael Sc [email protected] wrote:
[‘malign’, 1.732],
would I write this to its own csv file?
require ‘csv’
outfile = File.open(‘newfile.csv’, ‘wb’)
x=CSV.open(“oldfile.csv”, “r”)
x.sort_by{|a| a.values_at( 2,0,1 ) }.each{|a| outfile.print a }
I tried outfile.p(doesn’t work), outfile.print(takes out the commas) and
outfile.put(takes out the breaks). I know this should be incredibly
easy but I am clearly missing something.
Before writing each record (i.e., each array of fields) to the file,
it must first be converted to a proper csv string.
The ‘csv’ package has a method for doing this, I presume.
If you don’t wan’t to use that, try this:
class Array
def to_csv
s = ‘’
map { |item|
str = item.to_s
# Quote the string if it contains the field-separator or
# a " or a newline or a carriage-return, or if it has leading or
# trailing whitespace.
if str.index( “,” ) or /^\s|[“\r\n]|\s$/.match(str)
str = '”’ + str.gsub( /“/, '”“’ ) + '”’
}.join( “,” )
puts [ 674, “yes”, “Jones,Tom”, ‘foo"bar’, " space " ].to_csv
— output -----
674,yes,“Jones,Tom”,“foo”“bar”," space "