Best practice with nginx and php; apache or php-fcgi

On my server 90% of the apps are rails with a few remaining php apps.
What is the best method to handle php with nginx? Is it better to use
php-fcgi or reverse proxy to apache?

On Jul 31, 2007, at 5:26 PM, Greg wrote:

On my server 90% of the apps are rails with a few remaining php apps.
What is the best method to handle php with nginx? Is it better to use
php-fcgi or reverse proxy to apache?

IMHO just use php-fcgi. It works very well with nginx, you just need
to hack up a script to start the php-fcgi’s or steal spawn-fcgi from
lighttpd and use that. No need to bring out apache if you just need
some php sprinkled into your nginx setup.

– Ezra Z.
– Founder & Ruby Hacker
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)

Ok. Thanks Ezra! My new dedicated came with apache 2.2, so I’ll
disactivate that. I’m assuming, and I’ll have to double check, that
have to recompile php for it?