Can anyone satisfy my curiosity and tell me what the global variable
$binding is for?
I though it might be a default binding for eval calls but my tests didnt
Can anyone satisfy my curiosity and tell me what the global variable
$binding is for?
I though it might be a default binding for eval calls but my tests didnt
my ruby and irb don’t know about $binding, it’s not in the pickaxe and
not in the quickref - where did you encounter it?
Matthieu TC wrote:
Can anyone satisfy my curiosity and tell me what the global variable $binding is for?
I though it might be a default binding for eval calls but my tests didnt concur.
Irb uses $binding. But ruby does not:
$ ruby -ve ‘p global_variables.grep(/binding/)’
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i686-linux]
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