Bizarre auto_complete problem

Hi -

I’m having a really weird problem with text_field_with_auto_complete.
I use this for looking up tags. When I type in the beginning of a
tag, the drop down appears, and sometimes the contents of the

  • is
    truncated. I rewrote a debug version of auto_complete_result to test
    this out:

    def auto_complete_result(entries, field, phrase = nil)
    return unless entries
    answer ="

      for entry in entries
    • #{entry[field]} - debug
    • "
      answer +="

        This only seems to happen when I have one and only one matching entry
        in the lookup table. So, if i type in “eco” for example, and the only
        matching tag in the table is ‘economy,’ then I expect this:

        • economy - debug

        But, what I get instead is

        • economy - deb

        The inner contents are truncated. It’s so weird. I’ve confirmed that
        the actual html has the truncated entry.

        Here’s where it gets weirder. It only happens on Firefox. On ie, it
        does not truncate. Again, it only happens on my host, not when i run
        a local server. I’ve tried removing the stylesheets and use the
        default styling, same problem.

        The only difference as far as I can tell from my dev machine and host
        machine is running ruby 1.8.5, and my local machine is running 1.8.6.

        Has anyone seen this weird behavior before or have any suggestions on
        how to approach it?


  • For future reference, this wound up being a server problem. In case
    anyone has this problem, switching from fcgi to to Passenger solved