Blistit - on web in Beta

I would like to thank everyone who has been of great assistance on this
project using ROR, AJAX and most importantly Ferret. I would especially
like to thank David and Jens for their help. Quite frankly this project
would not have got to this stage without your help and we at Blistit
appreciate it! I saw your post David with regards to putting food on the
table and when we are able to put food on the table too you will not be

We have finally put Blistit up on the web in Beta and hope to go fully
into production at the end of October. Blistit is a free premier listing
service in the United Kingdom where standard listings are free to post.

The url is

There are around 300 listings in there at the moment so please feel free
to check it out, especially the browse and the “Show Advanced Search
Options” button in the results page. Also feel free to register and post
listings if you wish and you live in the UK.

While it is in Beta there is a chance that your listing will be promoted
to a highlighted or premier listing free of charge.

All feedback is welcome. If it is of benefit to the group then please
feedback here otherwise login and send “admin” a message.

Thanks once again for all your help and assistance and remember, “If you
want it… Blistit!”.



Nice work Clare. I like the simple interface. If you like, I’d love to
see it listed here:

I’ll put it up if you like. Or you could do it. Or not. It’s up to you.


David - please feel free to put it up.
