hi all,
i am tryin to develop a blog in rails3…that should have all the basic
functionalities of blog like *creating a article *,posting ,*comments
*can anybody help me with this to start from the scratch… is there any
plugin to be installed?
On 19 August 2011 10:47, Annapoorna R removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:
hi all,
i am tryin to develop a blog in rails3…that should have all the basic
functionalities of blog like *creating a article *,posting ,*comments
*can anybody help me with this to start from the scratch… is there any
plugin to be installed?
If you are using refineryCMS you can use refinerycms-blog gem in your
file to use blog features.
v r not using refineryCMS sir…
@Annapoorna it may or may not help you -
On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 1:06 PM, G S RAO removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
On Aug 19, 7:17am, Annapoorna R removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:
hi all,
i am tryin to develop a blog in rails3…that should have all the basic
functionalities of blog like *creating a article *,posting ,*comments
*can anybody help me with this to start from the scratch… is there any
plugin to be installed?
Typo’s a Rails blogware existing since 2005 that is still actively
developped. It even used to power blog.rubyonrails.org at the time.
Maybe you should give it a try.
GitHub - publify/publify: A self hosted Web publishing platform on Rails.
Best regards,
*try blogger 0.5.1 *
in your gem file include line
gem blogger, ‘0.5.1’
and run bundle install
I am not used that gem but try once
On Aug 19, 2:30pm, Annapoorna R removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:
not able to configure the typo…
Could not find gem 'sam-mysql2-ruby
Could not find gem 'rspec2-rails
getting errors like this…
once i run bundle install
After debugging in private: problem solved (was a missing libxslt on
the system).
not able to configure the typo…
Could not find gem 'sam-mysql2-ruby
Could not find gem 'rspec2-rails
getting errors like this…
once i run bundle install
2011/8/19 Frdric de Villamil removed_email_address@domain.invalid
Hi Anna
Did you created or still creating any help…
Annapoorna R-2 wrote:
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