Blog down - weird error

Hi all,
Sometime between last night and this morning my blog went down and I’m
at a loss as to why. When I hit the main page or any individuals
articles I just get this:
The following error has occured:
with no error showing up at all. I’ve searched through the mongrel.log
and I see a lot of ActiveRecord errors but nothing I can figure out.
In this error log what should I be looking for as the culprit?

Oh, also, the admin side is working just fine so I’m unsure of what to
do. The only change I made recently was to try and turn on the mail
function by creating a mail.yml file in the config. I have since moved
this out of the way and restarted Typo but I still get the error.

I’m a little hesitant about sending the whole ActiveRecord error
because it has some config information in it that I’m worried about
innadvertantly exposing to the world.

Ok, to make things even stranger I can’t seem to find anything in the
log files after I restarted again.


Looks like it was that flickr error reported earlier, just turned that
off and voila! So, I’ll try the patch and see if that fixes it as


I’ve just decided that I don’t want it to be an issue again, so I made a
static with the flickr javascript badge in it. You can make one at for your photo set.