I have an idea,
Many blogs today have bookmark button tags in the post meta. An
example is 43folders.com, this kind of setup is great for blog publicity
user activity. I believe that Typo should have something like this built
I know, I could just write it in the post layout. But it would be deadly
cool if users could select in the admin panel, which services he would
in the meta.
I would post a ticket. But I want community approval first.
On 7/25/06, levi mccallum [email protected] wrote:
Why not make it a plugin and see how popular it is?
I think Typo has enough features as it is right now, and would love to
see 4.1+ consist of refactoring, clean up, and less features rather
then more add-ons that aren’t part of core functionality.
On 7/25/06, Rob S. [email protected] wrote:
I would post a ticket. But I want community approval first.
Why not make it a plugin and see how popular it is?
You can’t make it a plugin–there’s no plugin infrastructure for that.
You could build it into your theme, but it’s not really pluggable in
On 7/26/06, Scott L. [email protected] wrote:
On 7/25/06, Rob S. [email protected] wrote:
Why not make it a plugin and see how popular it is?
You can’t make it a plugin–there’s no plugin infrastructure for that.
You could build it into your theme, but it’s not really pluggable in
I guess that’s a problem then - though I suppose the general
functionality of doing digg/reddit/etc links could be extracted out to
a more general rails plugin. Ie give the plugin a link, and get back
the links for services you specify, or image links, or whatever.
Well, what stops from giving tags? It is exactly the same thing Scott.
Correct me if I am wrong.
I’m not saying that I have anything against the idea. I actually like
The problem is that we don’t have a generic plugin mechanism. So if
we add this, at least for now, it’ll be a part of the core of Typo.
So, can I do it? I was just asking if it was possible.
If so, I will do my best to make it, and submit a patch.