[Bug #2787] nil.instance_eval pushes nil onto cref

Bug #2787: nil.instance_eval pushes nil onto cref

e$B5/I<<Te(B: Shugo M.
e$B%9%F!<%?%9e(B: Assigned, e$BM%@hEYe(B: Low
e$BC4Ev<Te(B: Yukihiro M., e$B%+%F%4%je(B: core
ruby -v: ruby 1.9.2dev (2010-02-18 trunk 26704) [i686-linux]

A singleton class definition of nil pushes NilClass onto cref.
It is reasonable because NilClass has nil as the only instance.
However, nil.instance_eval pushes nil onto cref, which means that method
definitions are not permitted in that context.

defiant:ruby$ ruby-trunk -ve ‘class <<nil; def foo; puts “foo” end;
end; nil.foo’
ruby 1.9.2dev (2010-02-18 trunk 26704) [i686-linux]
defiant:ruby$ ruby-trunk -ve ‘nil.instance_eval {|i| def foo; puts
“foo” end }; nil.foo’
ruby 1.9.2dev (2010-02-18 trunk 26704) [i686-linux]
-e:1:in block in <main>': no class/module to add method (TypeError) from -e:1:in instance_eval’
from -e:1:in `’

The behavior is the same in Ruby 1.8.7.
Is it intended or a bug?

e$B%A%1%C%He(B #2787 e$B$,99?7$5$l$^$7$?!#e(B (by Shugo M.)

e$B%9%F!<%?%9e(B Assignede$B$+$ie(BClosede$B$KJQ99e(B

I’m sorry that I have sent this issue to the wrong ML.
I’ll resubmit this issue later.
