I have a problem with dateHelper date_select. I think this is a bug.
In a form, I’ve to list many objects of type “formacio” that a “persona”
“formacio” object have an “id”, two foreing key “centre_id” and
“titulacio_id” and a “finalitza_on” date.
The form have to be used to update attributes of all “formacions” of a
In a form I have this code:
<% @persona.formacions.each do |@formacio| %>
Whell, the indexation with [] go pretty well with “titulacio_id” and
“centre_id” but not with “finalitza_on”.
The params generated for two objects “formacio” with ids “25” and “26”
Parameters: {“formacio”=>{
“25”=>{“centre_id”=>"", “titulacio_id”=>“2”},
“26”=>{“centre_id”=>"", “titulacio_id”=>“3”},
But what I need is:
Parameters: {“formacio”=>{
“25”=>{ “centre_id”=>"",
“26”=>{ “centre_id”=>"",
More information about my system:
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.4 (2005-10-29) [i486-linux]
$ dpkg -l rails
ii rails 0.14.3-1 MVC ruby based framework
I’m using mysql on a Debian GNU/linux
$ mysql -V
mysql Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.15, for pc-linux-gnu (i486) using readline
What’s going wrong?