Build question

I was attempting to build nginx 1.2.4 from source, and include the
chunkin module. I also included the autolib module, because from what I
could understand, it would help reduce the need for some of the other
source/devel packages to build.

I ended up with a clean build, but nginx is 6.3MB, and the version I
installed from a binary package is only 813KB. So I’m wondering whether
this is normal or what happened, and basically how to test my build
now. Is there a test-script package or anything that can verify that
binary I created?

Thanks again,

On 28 Oct2012, at 03:24 , AJ Weber [email protected] wrote:

I was attempting to build nginx 1.2.4 from source, and include the chunkin
module. I also included the autolib module, because from what I could understand,
it would help reduce the need for some of the other source/devel packages to

I ended up with a clean build, but nginx is 6.3MB, and the version I installed
from a binary package is only 813KB. So I’m wondering whether this is normal or
what happened, and basically how to test my build now. Is there a test-script
package or anything that can verify that binary I created?

It is normal. Your binary contains debug information and version from
package is stripped (man strip).

Thank you for the reply!

Is it better if I rebuild without the debug information in the binary
(for performance or other reasons)? If so, are there some recommended
options to pass to cc-opt and/or ld-opt?

Thank you again!

On 28 Oct2012, at 21:00 , AJ Weber [email protected] wrote:

Thank you for the reply!

Is it better if I rebuild without the debug information in the binary (for
performance or other reasons)?

No, debugging symbols has neglectable impact on performance and RAM
you need to strip binary only if you want to save disk storage.