Button Event problem within Wizard

In the code below my panel1_impt button and panel1_dnld buttons don’t
trigger the button event. I’m banging my head against the table
wondering what’s going on. Can anyone advise?

wizard = Wx::Wizard.new(self, :title => "Wizard")
wizard.icon = Wx::Icon.new('wizard.ico')

# Panel1, Masthead selection
panel1       = Wx::WizardPageSimple.new(wizard)
panel1_txt   = Wx::StaticText.new(panel1, :label => "Select Site")
panel1_lst   = Wx::CheckListBox.new(panel1, :choices => files)
panel1_btns  = Wx::Panel.new(panel1)
panel1_impt  = Wx::Button.new(panel1_btns, :label => "Import")
panel1_dnld  = Wx::Button.new(panel1_btns, :label => "Download")

panel1_btns.sizer = Wx::HBoxSizer.new
panel1_btns.sizer.add(panel1_impt, 0, Wx::ALL, 5)
panel1_btns.sizer.add(panel1_dnld, 0, Wx::ALL, 5)

panel1.sizer = Wx::VBoxSizer.new
panel1.sizer.add(panel1_txt,  0, Wx::ALL, 5)
panel1.sizer.add(panel1_lst,  1, Wx::ALL|Wx::GROW, 5)
panel1.sizer.add(panel1_btns, 0, Wx::ALL, 5)

files.each_index {|i| panel1_lst.check(i, true)}

# Panel1 Events
evt_button(panel1_impt) {p "IMPORT!"}
evt_button(panel1_dnld) {p "DOWNLOAD!"}

El Gato wrote:

In the code below my panel1_impt button and panel1_dnld buttons don’t
trigger the button event. I’m banging my head against the table
wondering what’s going on. Can anyone advise?

panel1_impt  = Wx::Button.new(panel1_btns, :label => "Import")
panel1_dnld  = Wx::Button.new(panel1_btns, :label => "Download")
# Panel1 Events
evt_button(panel1_impt) {p "IMPORT!"}
evt_button(panel1_dnld) {p "DOWNLOAD!"}

Please, if you’re going to post code, reduce it to the bare minimum that
shows the problem, and make it runnable.

There is nothing wrong with your event handling code itself. Things to

  • are you calling Wizard#run_wizard to show the panel?
  • is output buffering on in the terminal in which you’re running the
    application - in which case the output might not show straight away?


I guess the problem with reducing the code is that I have no idea what
the problem is, so I’m not really sure what not to show – it’s possible
that some non-button item is the culprit. I didn’t really think that my
event code was bad. Here’s a full program that shows the issue.

#!/usr/bin/env rubyw

require ‘wx’

$stdout.sync = true

class AppWizard < Wx::Frame
def initialize(*args)

wizard = Wx::Wizard.new(self, :title => "App Wizard")

panel1       = Wx::WizardPageSimple.new(wizard)
panel1_txt   = Wx::StaticText.new(panel1, :label => "Panel 1:")
panel1_lst   = Wx::CheckListBox.new(panel1, :choices => ["one", 

“two”, “three”])

# This event never triggers when the button is clicked
panel1_impt  = Wx::Button.new(panel1, :label => "Import")
evt_button(panel1_impt) {puts "You clicked the import button"}

panel1.sizer = Wx::VBoxSizer.new
panel1.sizer.add(panel1_txt,  0, Wx::ALL, 5)
panel1.sizer.add(panel1_lst,  1, Wx::ALL|Wx::GROW, 5)
panel1.sizer.add(panel1_impt, 0, Wx::ALL, 5)



class App < Wx::App
def on_init
frame = AppWizard.new

app = App.new

El Gato wrote:

I guess the problem with reducing the code is that I have no idea what
the problem is, so I’m not really sure what not to show – it’s possible
that some non-button item is the culprit. I didn’t really think that my
event code was bad. Here’s a full program that shows the issue.

# This event never triggers when the button is clicked
panel1_impt  = Wx::Button.new(panel1, :label => "Import")
evt_button(panel1_impt) {puts "You clicked the import button"}

wizard.evt_button(panel1_impt) {puts “You clicked the import button”}

Does the trick for me.



Peter Lane wrote:

El Gato wrote:

# This event never triggers when the button is clicked
panel1_impt  = Wx::Button.new(panel1, :label => "Import")
evt_button(panel1_impt) {puts "You clicked the import button"}

wizard.evt_button(panel1_impt) {puts “You clicked the import button”}

Thanks Peter.

By way of explanation, this is because CommandEvents - those associated
with standard controls like Button, CheckBox, ToggleButton etc - bubble
upwards through the window hierarchy UNTIL they reach a top-level
window. Each window has a chance to process it.

So in the example, the Button event gets offered to
the Button (then) the Panel (then) the Wizard (a top-level window)

But in the original evt_button was called on “self”, the Frame. The
button event never reaches that Frame it so the event handler isn’t ever
triggered. Calling wizard.evt_button sets it on the Wizard instead.

Encapsulating GUI classes by inheritance tends to help avoid this mix-up
(class DownloadWizard < Wx::Wizard …)


Peter Lane wrote:

wizard.evt_button(panel1_impt) {puts “You clicked the import button”}

Does the trick for me.



It does indeed! Thanks very much!