I’m trying to make a button_to_remote that also has an associated style.
It works fine as a button_to:
<%= button_to “Paid”, has_paid_event_booking_path(booking,
booking.event), :method => :post, :style =>
“background:url(/images/money_add.png) left no-repeat; padding-left:
15px” %>
but then when I change it to button_to_remote:
<%= button_to_remote “Paid”, has_paid_event_booking_path(booking,
booking.event), :method => :post, :before => “Effect.Fade('not_paid_” +
booking.id.to_s + “’)”,:style => “background:url(/images/money_add.png)
left no-repeat; padding-left: 15px” %>
with the above code, the :before is ignored
So, I change the path to a :url hash:
<%= button_to_remote “Paid”, :url =>
has_paid_event_booking_path(booking, booking.event), :method => :post,
:before => “Effect.Fade('not_paid_” + booking.id.to_s + “’)”,:style =>
“background:url(/images/money_add.png) left no-repeat; padding-left:
15px” %>
and then the :before works, but now the style is ignored!
How do I fix this?
Thanks in advance
Steve Brown