Call http request from location


It possible exec curl from location or call http request with other

I need request special url if user start playing mp4 video.


— Original message —
From: “asd” [email protected]
Date: 25 June 2013, 18:48:37


It possible exec curl from location or call http request with other solution?

I need request special url if user start playing mp4 video.

I think this is job for php or any other server-side application.



On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 08:53:39AM +0200, asd wrote:

Not sure. PHP not know mp4 video playing start.
I can save time, filename, ip addr after called url by nginx.

Most obvious aproach would be to use a php script with
X-Accel-Redirect to track playback start.

Alternatively, you may use auth request module[1], it should be
slightly easier from configuration point of view.

[1] ngx_http_auth_request_module: log

Maxim D.

Not sure. PHP not know mp4 video playing start.
I can save time, filename, ip addr after called url by nginx.

2013/6/26 wishmaster [email protected]