Just tried an svn up on my local install and migrate threw out an error:
== UpgradeSidebarObjects: migrating
– add_column(:sidebars, :type, :string)
-> 0.6297s
– About to call find_and_update
– remove_column(:sidebars, :type)
-> 0.6988s
rake aborted!
You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
The error occured while evaluating nil.camelcase
You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
The error occured while evaluating nil.camelcase
Of more concern is the fact that you’ve got some sidebars with a null
in the ‘controller’ column. I’ll rejig the migration to dump out a
little more information so you can try and track down what’s amiss.
– remove_column(:sidebars, :type)
in the ‘controller’ column. I’ll rejig the migration to dump out a
little more information so you can try and track down what’s amiss.
Don’t waste your time Piers, that helped me track it down. I thought
the local install I had was an old mirror, but it’s full of junk
after running tests. Something tells me when I populate it with a
copy of live data the migration will be fine. My bad
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