On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 06:33:20PM +0530, golak Sarangi wrote:
- Hi,
> I have got a peculiar requirement in my project. I need to apply
some boost
> to different fields of my index. But the problem is the boost that
needs to
> be applied is dynamic. It changes for everyrow of data.I am storing
that in
> the index itself while building it. Is there anyway by which i can
add the
> boost to search query while searching. at present am retreiving the
> set of searched result and then manipulating with the score to get
> output. but by that way it gets too slow. can any one help me.
did you search the archives for this? Imho this topic came up a few days
(or weeks?) ago.
Short answer: <ou can set the boost on a per document basis at indexing
time, see the API docs for Ferret’s Document class.
Hi jens
I am indeed using Ferret’s Document class. But am not sure about the
calculation that ferret does to give me the output score. Although
the output that
i get is relevant enough but its like a black hole
from outside. I tried to search for it from the C extension of ferret
but lost track
of it at the msea_search function. Could you please through some light
on the
calculation of score when am using boost for document as well as
individual fields separately.
Thanks and Regards