On 4/5/07, jack.tang [email protected] wrote:
has_many :memberships
has_many :groups, :through => :memberships
Where’s your Membership model? I think you need something like:
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :group
belongs_to :user
group1 = Group.new(…)
group1.users = [User.find_by_id(2)]
it throws the exception: “users=” is one undefined method. So how can
i save the relationship in hasmanythrough?
This has nothing to do with the :through option. The :has_many
relationship doesn’t add a setter. Instead you need to use methods on
the attribute, which is not a normal ruby array but an ActiveRecord
object which looks like an Array but is doing the right SQL magic
under the covers.
Some useful methods include:
group1.users<< user # add a user
group1.users.push(user1, user2, …) add one or more users
group1.users.replace(user1, …) replace users with one or more
group1.users.delete(user1, …) delete one or more users.
If you want to create a :has_many:through: relationship using just the
two ends, both far ends of the association need to exist on the
group1 = Group.create(…) # group needs to have been previously saved
# … represents
attributes to be set in the group
group1.users << User.find_by_id(2)
Or to create a new user and add it to the group:
group1 = Group.create(…)
If you want to have attributes in the membership if you don’t why are
you using has_many:through:? Then you need to create the
intermediate table yourself. So lets’ say the membership is used to
hold things like when it expires:
membership = Membership.new
membership.expiration = Time.now.next_year.to_date
membership.group = Group.find_by_id(3) # or how ever you get the group
membership.user = User.find_by_username(“Dirk Gently”)
You’ll probably get more help with ActiveRecord questions on more
rails specific resources:
Rick DeNatale
My blog on Ruby