Can rails be more friendly to windows user?

i have tried many hack solutions, and still failed to run rails nex
xxxname, it seems to be quite painful to use rails on windows 7 x64, can
you guys make it more friendly?
maybe it’s not the problem of rails, but the problem of ruby ecosystem,
if it can be more friendly, ruby would be more popular :slight_smile:

Hey there,

The friendly way, in my opinion, is to run a virtual machine.
On my windows machine I run vagrant with virtual box.

I also use ConEmu with Gitbash as terminal.

2015-05-20 0:20 GMT-03:00 mnz hz [email protected]:

i am also using vagrant and conemu, it’s better if rails can be used
without vm

On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Leandro França
[email protected]

I also see some people using Cloud 9 (

But I never tried it myself.

2015-05-20 9:06 GMT-03:00 Leandro França [email protected]:

I see.

I tried a few times to run it natively on windows, but I think it doesnt
worth the hassle. Too many little things that builds up to make
on a windows environment a bit boring.

I have a partition running Linux Mint, for those times where I dont want
keep running a VM.
But most of the time, I’m running it on OSX, at work.

2015-05-20 5:14 GMT-03:00 mnz hz [email protected]:

I tried Rails development a couple of ways including Cygwin. It’s too
hassle. If you really want to do Ruby/Rails development, doing it on
is the way to go. You are much better off installing Linux in VirtualBox
another VM manager. I use Linux Mint 17.1 which makes it easy to use
Windows Hot keys work and the UI is very familiar.

As a fellow Windows guy, I understand any hesitation you might have
switching to Linux. I can tell you from first hand experience Linux has
come a long, long way. I switched two years ago (about the time Windows
came out) and haven’t looked back. I’m not a Windows hater or a Linux
fan-boy. I’m just pragmatic and use tools that work.


Cody S.

I teach Rails and have done so for nearly 8 years in workshops and
classroom settings. The way to do this on Windows is to use

It sets up everything you need, including Git and SSH keys. It supports
Ruby 2.1 and Rails 4.1, but upgrading to Rails 4.2 is easy.

You will use a new dedicated command prompt to work with Rails, as the
RailsInstaller does not modify your system PATH.

This works fine on Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. Cygwin and
other solutions are much more hackish.

Does RailsInstaller support RVM?

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:28 AM, Walter Lee D. [email protected]

RVM doesn’t support Windows, so there’s that…

​pik is a similar utility on windows​

windows is better os for oa, so it’s my choice to use windows, but
support for windows is terrible

On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 8:06 PM, Leandro França
[email protected]

RVM doesn’t support Windows, so there’s that…


do you develop rails on windows?

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 6:13 AM, Ganesh Ranganathan <