Can say the login window code how to check the loigin names

iam new one to ruby

am write the code to
login.rhtml page:

<%= text_field ‘login’ , ‘usname’ %>

<%= password_field ‘login’, ‘passd’ %>
<%=button_to “chk”, :action => ‘authorized’%>

if i want to click the chk button check the login details in
logindatas table the fields are

then check the username and password if its true means show the
admin.rhtml page this in

if fails means show the login.rhtml from view/login/

where do i want to check the functionality in model/

can u give full code for login page.

On 3/6/07, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

if i want to click the chk button check the login details in
logindatas table the fields are

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